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Feng Shui Beginner Guide

14 October 2022

Do you feel like your house is out of balance? Like you can’t relax because there’s always something to clean and tidy, or you just have too much stuff?

It may be time to learn a little about the feng shui philosophy and how using it can help you have a peaceful and balanced home.

Don’t worry. You don’t need to run out and spend your hard-earned money on all new furniture and home décor. Feng shui isn’t a specific style. It’s a philosophy of creating a harmonious living space that promotes peace and tranquility. You don’t need to buy anything; just rethink what you have and how it takes up space.

What does feng shui your living space mean?

Feng shui is a practice from ancient Chinese philosophy to help restore balance in your home using different elements to balance the chi (energy).

Feng shui is more about clearing out clutter and rearranging the furniture and decor items you have, rather than adhering to a specific style of décor.

Feng shui is also referred to as the art of placement.

What’s to love about feng shui?

  • You are not restricted or must remain within a specific décor style to feng shui a space.
  • You will bring nature into your home to reconnect to the earth.
  • The joy you will find in simple designs and furniture, having a simple home will help with everyday stresses.
  • Peace and balance will be restored to your living spaces.

The five elements of feng shui

The term feng shui translates to wind-water, but the art of placement involves five core elements.

  1. Wood symbolizes growth and vitality. Using wooden furniture and plants can help with personal development.
  2. Water symbolizes wisdom and tranquillity. Use items with reflective surfaces, aquariums, and fountains to bring relaxation and clarity to your space.
  3. Metal symbolizes logic and knowledge. You can use metal picture frames, furniture, and accents to bring the element of metal into your home.
  4. Fire symbolizes energy in its purest form. Candles and red accents are great for bringing in the fire element.
  5. Earth symbolizes balance. Balance being the center of the feng shui philosophy, it is important to help achieve stability and feel grounded. You can do this by using crystals, rocks, and artwork.

Common elements found in a home that uses the philosophy of feng shui

Feng shui isn’t a specific style, but there are common features in homes with feng shui. These things can help usher in positive energy and keep the energy flowing.

  • Essential oil diffusers
  • Plants
  • Water features
  • Open concept rooms
  • Candles
  • Rugs
  • Spiritual symbols like Buddha statues

Getting started to feng shui your home


The first step when beginning the feng shui process is to declutter your home or room if the thought of doing your home is too overwhelming. Clearing out unnecessary clutter will allow energy to flow more freely.

This doesn’t mean you need to donate everything you own and try to feel comfortable in a next to empty room. It means you are intentional with everything you have in your living space. Put thought into every piece of furniture and any décor you use.

  • Do you love it?
  • Is it meaningful?
  • Does it serve a purpose?

Depending on your starting point, decluttering and letting things go might be lengthy, but it is worth it. In the end, you will have a space that brings you peace and maintains balance.

Colour palette

A feng shui color palette incorporates colors inspired by the feng shui core elements.

  • Wood- browns, and greens
  • Water- various shades of blue
  • Metal- whites, and greys
  • Fire- red
  • Earth- beige, oranges, and yellows

You don’t have to use all the colors in every room, which would be a disaster. You can use them as your primary colors; they make a good foundation.

Be mindful of the shapes you use

When picking out furniture or décor items, try to go with things that have clean lines—shapes like squares and rectangles.

Keeping your furniture and décor simple will create a room that is visually appealing and has a nice flow to it.


Lighting is important to feng shui because it harnesses positive energy. A dark home is the perfect breeding ground for depressive feelings and a lack of vitality.

If you have a lot of windows in your home, you can use sheer curtains to let in the light, or some well-placed lamps are a good choice, as well as candles.


The element of wood can be brought to life in your home through plants. Having a few plants throughout your home will help purify the air, release oxygen, and bring a sense of balance to the room they are in.

You do want to be mindful of not having too many plants because it can begin to look like clutter. Try a couple of larger-sized plants placed throughout your home.

Focus on natural material

You don’t have to have all-natural materials throughout your home, but a few cleverly placed items can help make your home feel more balanced.

Wooden furniture is always a good idea, and a few other things you can incorporate into your home are:

  • Crystals
  • Fresh cut flowers
  • Blankets made from natural materials
  • Mirrored surfaces
  • Clay pots


While this is not a comprehensive guide to feng shui, it gives you an idea of the philosophy. You can take what you like and leave what you don’t. At the end of the day, as long as your home feels balanced and harmonious to you, then that’s all that matters.

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Feng Shui Beginner Guide

14 October 2022

Do you feel like your house is out of balance? Like you can’t relax because there’s always something to clean and tidy, or you just have too much stuff?

It may be time to learn a little about the feng shui philosophy and how using it can help you have a peaceful and balanced home.

Don’t worry. You don’t need to run out and spend your hard-earned money on all new furniture and home décor. Feng shui isn’t a specific style. It’s a philosophy of creating a harmonious living space that promotes peace and tranquility. You don’t need to buy anything; just rethink what you have and how it takes up space.

What does feng shui your living space mean?

Feng shui is a practice from ancient Chinese philosophy to help restore balance in your home using different elements to balance the chi (energy).

Feng shui is more about clearing out clutter and rearranging the furniture and decor items you have, rather than adhering to a specific style of décor.

Feng shui is also referred to as the art of placement.

What’s to love about feng shui?

  • You are not restricted or must remain within a specific décor style to feng shui a space.
  • You will bring nature into your home to reconnect to the earth.
  • The joy you will find in simple designs and furniture, having a simple home will help with everyday stresses.
  • Peace and balance will be restored to your living spaces.

The five elements of feng shui

The term feng shui translates to wind-water, but the art of placement involves five core elements.

  1. Wood symbolizes growth and vitality. Using wooden furniture and plants can help with personal development.
  2. Water symbolizes wisdom and tranquillity. Use items with reflective surfaces, aquariums, and fountains to bring relaxation and clarity to your space.
  3. Metal symbolizes logic and knowledge. You can use metal picture frames, furniture, and accents to bring the element of metal into your home.
  4. Fire symbolizes energy in its purest form. Candles and red accents are great for bringing in the fire element.
  5. Earth symbolizes balance. Balance being the center of the feng shui philosophy, it is important to help achieve stability and feel grounded. You can do this by using crystals, rocks, and artwork.

Common elements found in a home that uses the philosophy of feng shui

Feng shui isn’t a specific style, but there are common features in homes with feng shui. These things can help usher in positive energy and keep the energy flowing.

  • Essential oil diffusers
  • Plants
  • Water features
  • Open concept rooms
  • Candles
  • Rugs
  • Spiritual symbols like Buddha statues

Getting started to feng shui your home


The first step when beginning the feng shui process is to declutter your home or room if the thought of doing your home is too overwhelming. Clearing out unnecessary clutter will allow energy to flow more freely.

This doesn’t mean you need to donate everything you own and try to feel comfortable in a next to empty room. It means you are intentional with everything you have in your living space. Put thought into every piece of furniture and any décor you use.

  • Do you love it?
  • Is it meaningful?
  • Does it serve a purpose?

Depending on your starting point, decluttering and letting things go might be lengthy, but it is worth it. In the end, you will have a space that brings you peace and maintains balance.

Colour palette

A feng shui color palette incorporates colors inspired by the feng shui core elements.

  • Wood- browns, and greens
  • Water- various shades of blue
  • Metal- whites, and greys
  • Fire- red
  • Earth- beige, oranges, and yellows

You don’t have to use all the colors in every room, which would be a disaster. You can use them as your primary colors; they make a good foundation.

Be mindful of the shapes you use

When picking out furniture or décor items, try to go with things that have clean lines—shapes like squares and rectangles.

Keeping your furniture and décor simple will create a room that is visually appealing and has a nice flow to it.


Lighting is important to feng shui because it harnesses positive energy. A dark home is the perfect breeding ground for depressive feelings and a lack of vitality.

If you have a lot of windows in your home, you can use sheer curtains to let in the light, or some well-placed lamps are a good choice, as well as candles.


The element of wood can be brought to life in your home through plants. Having a few plants throughout your home will help purify the air, release oxygen, and bring a sense of balance to the room they are in.

You do want to be mindful of not having too many plants because it can begin to look like clutter. Try a couple of larger-sized plants placed throughout your home.

Focus on natural material

You don’t have to have all-natural materials throughout your home, but a few cleverly placed items can help make your home feel more balanced.

Wooden furniture is always a good idea, and a few other things you can incorporate into your home are:

  • Crystals
  • Fresh cut flowers
  • Blankets made from natural materials
  • Mirrored surfaces
  • Clay pots


While this is not a comprehensive guide to feng shui, it gives you an idea of the philosophy. You can take what you like and leave what you don’t. At the end of the day, as long as your home feels balanced and harmonious to you, then that’s all that matters.

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